CMOE Offers Supervisor Training Online

The goal of Supervisor Training is to build leaders for the workplace. CMOE offers a variety of online courses for supervisors. These training courses cover fundamental skills and new ways to engage the workforce. They are available individually or as a custom package. CMOE's online supervisor training programs are designed to encourage personalized learning.

Module 3 of Supervisory Skills: Advanced Skills course


Advanced Skills training focuses on supervisory "soft skills," such as leadership, team building, and communication. These skills are essential to managing and leading a successful team. This training series also covers important legal issues and the role of supervisors in today's workplace. The course is designed to help supervisors improve their performance and understand key regulatory laws.


This course teaches supervisors how to gain respect from employees, improve their communication skills, and manage conflict in the workplace. They also learn how to deal with cultural diversity and develop a customer-centric culture. The skills learned in this course can be immediately applied. These skills include flexible decision-making, communication, and performance management.


Advanced Skills course participants will learn the fundamentals of transformational and transactional leadership, which are important for supervisors in the child protection system. In addition, participants will learn how to use leadership style, establish goals for leadership growth, and engage their staff in the mission of the organization.


Advanced Skills course textbooks stress that supervision requires a strong understanding of workplace culture. In addition, supervisors will learn how to build their capacity to support employees and understand their needs and feelings. This course does not aim to transform supervisors into mental health providers, but rather to prepare supervisors with skills and knowledge to manage their own boundaries and support their direct reports.


Advanced Skills training for supervisors is a key component of organizational success. It is essential to develop these skills at every level of the organization. In addition to supervisory skills, employees should develop their own leadership abilities through various leadership and management training programs. Individual Development Plans should be developed for both new and experienced supervisors. These plans help ensure accountability and help foster a culture of high-quality leadership.

Goals of supervisory training


In today's world, front-line supervisors often don't receive adequate training to take on the role of a leader. Often they are promoted because of their previous success and leadership qualities, but their lack of training may cause them to struggle in their new role. They may lose productivity and team morale, and may even find themselves returning to a non-supervisory role.


The key to a successful training program is determining its goals. While determining the specific training priorities and goals can seem daunting, conducting a gap analysis can help determine the skills needed and those that are lacking. When creating a training program, it's important to consider the needs of the organization today, as well as in the future.


Supervisors must be able to effectively communicate company objectives. This includes the company's mission and strategy. They must be able to articulate how their employees' work relates to these goals, and they must be clear on how they are evaluating each employee's performance. They must also be able to listen to the ideas of their team members and be willing to address issues that arise. Finally, supervisors should be prepared to handle difficult situations, such as complaints from customers or employees.


Investing in supervisory training is an excellent way to ensure that your employees become effective leaders. Often, managers and supervisors are thrust into supervisory roles without the proper training, which results in ineffective leadership, lack of productivity improvement, and a poor attitude and morale among employees. Ineffective managers are likely to micro-manage and struggle to motivate their team members. The best way to develop better leaders is to invest in training early in their careers.


In addition to developing leadership skills, supervisory training helps employees understand their roles in a work setting. It also gives them tools to resolve problems and develop relationships with others. It also helps managers and supervisors understand the laws governing employment in the workplace. The majority of people are unaware of these laws, and ongoing training and coaching is essential for ensuring they are in compliance with them.

Tisha Gierhart's teaching style


Tisha Gierhart was hired as the first Program Director of the Shafer Leadership Academy in January 2014. She oversees all activities for the Academy, focusing on building collaborative relationships with participants. Gierhart has a degree in Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University, and has worked in healthcare for fourteen years, where she honed her skills in leadership and management. During that time, she also served as an internal coach for IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital.

Module 3's practical application


Succeeding as a Supervisor is a five-day introductory programme that gives participants the skills and knowledge they need to succeed as a supervisor. The role of a supervisor is complex and varied, making it crucial to gain skills in a structured and focused manner. In Module Two, participants choose a course topic and develop a plan to improve skills in that area. Then, between Modules Two and Three, they apply the skills they've learned.


Module 3's practical application in supervisor training covers topics specific to front-line supervisors, such as how to build effective teams and how to give clear directions. The course also covers how to boost morale and get employees to take action when asked. In addition, supervisors and team leaders learn practical skills for handling confrontations and managing emotions in the workplace.


Module Three focuses on transformational and transactional leadership, which are both critical skills for supervisors in the public child welfare system. The course also covers the importance of developing a vision and mission, understanding systems, and engaging staff. Participants will also assess their leadership potential and set goals for growth. In addition to learning about these concepts, participants will also learn how to implement these strategies in their agencies, units, and communities.


Module 3's practical application in supervisor training emphasizes immediate application of newly learned skills. This is done through personal action plans and follow-up tools. These follow-up tools include peer reviews and one-on-one follow-ups with the supervisor's leadership team or training buddy. The process of learning is continuous, and the results are predictable and repeatable. Taking this approach in supervisor training can help you achieve the outcomes you desire.

Cost of supervisory skills course


A Supervisory Skills course is designed to teach middle and senior management how to be more effective leaders. It typically lasts three days and provides participants with an in-depth understanding of leadership concepts. The course curriculum covers the role of a supervisor, how to build trust and maintain good relationships with employees and how to motivate and lead others. The course curriculum also provides insights into how to deal with conflicts in a team environment.


A supervisory skills course can benefit any type of supervisory role. It is a practical, hands-on program that teaches the essential supervisory skills that every organization needs to ensure success. It helps individuals manage their teams and leverage their own people and managerial skills to effectively supervise others. It focuses on interactive tools, videos, and team exercises to teach core management skills and strategies.


An effective supervisor must have a clear vision, lead by example, adapt to change, and empower his or her team to succeed. A supervisory skills course is a valuable investment in improving your management style, developing your teamwork, and resolving conflicts. It is also a great way to stay up-to-date with modern management practices.


Supervisory Skills training is beneficial to employees and employers alike. Increasing the skills of supervisors can improve communication, reduce conflict, and increase productivity. It can also improve a supervisor's relationship with his or her employees. Many workers report that their relationship with their supervisors has improved and they no longer complain when something goes wrong.


The cost of a supervisory skills course depends on the location and the type of course you choose. Online courses are usually the most expensive and take approximately three days to complete. Therefore, be sure to assess your budget before enrolling in an online course.